Reasons Why Your Menstrual Cycle Is Lasting Longer?
Bleeding out of vagina every single month is a painful episode for every woman but when this period decides to prolong extending the visit a little longer than usual, it can be absolutely enraging and frustrating.
Honestly speaking there is a big span of normal bleeding period length which can last between two to seven days. Even if the period is a day or two more or less than usual, it’s not seen as a medical issue. But the question arises if this period persists for 10 days or more, or varies significantly in time for three or more cycles in a row.
The most prevalent causes of continued menstrual bleeding can be due to many reasons. Enlisted below are some of them.
Instilling Intra-uterine Devices
The most frequent causes of long periods seen in a woman are intrauterine devices IUDs which is a type of birth control devices placed directly into the cervix. They are mainly of two types which can be both copper-based IUD and a progestin-based IUD. When the menstrual period is prolonged for more than 3 menstrual cycles, you must see your doctor.
In both the cases long bleeding scenarios are observed especially right after the introduction. The first few cycles may record more or longer bleeding than usual, and if the prolonged periods don’t decline down after three cycles, it’s an occasion to go back to your doctor, as it’s reasonable the IUD moved out of position or simply doesn’t operate particularly with the body.
You’re really ovulating
Menstruation could be defined as a process by which the body gets rid of the extra blood and tissue it has saved up in form of the egg and it has not got fertilized, but sometimes the hormonal signals get crossed and you can bleed when you release the egg too.
In the case of inter menstrual bleeding wherein, there is a slight dip in estrogen levels which happens during ovulation has reported some spotting. If the bleeding lasts a few days or happens close to the end of your immediate cycle, it may seem like the period is continuing forever. It’s not frequently something to bother about, but if it changes suddenly or if you have a serious pain, it’s time to see your doctor.
You’re pregnant & consuming hormonal birth control pills
A probable cause for irregular menses besides longer bleeding is pregnancy. Any time a woman has unusual bleeding, it’s always best to overcome the possibility of pregnancy with a blood test for pregnancy.
Birth control pills which manage your hormones holds the potential to make your periods longer and this covers all types of hormonal birth control pills, patches, rings, shots to implants. The good story is that there are lots of choices with varying levels and types of hormones. so if your body doesn’t respond well to one type or dosage, there’s a good chance you can find a different one that will work.
Having early Miscarriages
Early miscarriages are extremely popular and half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, usually before the woman even recognizes she was pregnant. Such a condition is marked by an extra-heavy bleeding or long period and if this impacts the menstrual cycle length and if it remains abnormally long after three menstruation cycles, you can see your doctor. About 1 in 100 women suffer from repeat miscarriages, so it’s important to rule out a condition that affects fertility like endometriosis.
If you are planning for your pregnancy and start experiencing prolonged bleeding period , you need not need to panic as you have Dr RK Sharma the best IVF specialist in Delhi to guide you through such instances.
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