ICSI: Solution to your Happy Parenthood
ICSI is an acronym for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. This technique is used to aid fertilization of eggs in vitro. In this process, a single sperm is selected and injected directly into an egg. This bypasses the natural fertilization process. Natural fertilization may be aided through IVF but ICSI could be the ray for those parents who have lost their hearts. Remember, all the other laboratory aspects of the ICSI cycle are the same as an IVF cycle.
ICSI and It’s Need
It's one of the most important methods in delivering successful fertilization of mature eggs in vitro. It is necessary for the IVF process. In some of the cases, the sperm has to be injected directly inside the egg. ICSI is used when a problem or potential problem with the sperm has been identified during the phase of investigations. This method is usually done when the sperms lack mobility or isn’t well nourished to move in ease.
Situations Where ICSI May Be Recommended
There could be various conditions wherein abnormal sperm parameters like low sperm count, low sperm morphology and/or motility occurs especially when the mobility of sperms is slower than normal. The sperms may not have contracted fully or must have had some morphological deformation. The presence of anti-sperm antibodies might also be found in a woman or a man in order to fight against sperms inside the semen.
Even in cases of where the previous history shows failed fertilization when compared with conventional IVF. Initially, everyone gets recommended for IVF but after a number of failed conceptions. So, ICSI gets into the play. Even in cases where the sperm has been surgically retrieved or the male has undergone a vasectomy. The sperms aren’t able to reach the urethra and thus there are failed conceptions.
The Alternative IMSI Procedure
IMSI is a variation on the ICSI procedure and is an acronym for Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection. It uses a very high-powered lens to see the sperm in greater detail during the selection process.
Miracles of IMSI:
We all know that achieving a healthy pregnancy is hugely dependent on the quality of the human embryo. The quality of an embryo is a product of the quality of both the egg and the sperm. If the sperm has abnormalities, they can still create an embryo but these are unlikely to implant or may result in an early miscarriage.
Some sperm abnormalities can be identified using a microscope which magnifies up to 400 times. With IMSI the magnification is up to 6000 times, which enables the embryologists to see more accurately abnormalities in the head of the sperm. By selecting sperm without abnormalities, the chance of creating better quality embryos is higher.
Cases Where IMSI May Be Recommended
A high number of abnormal sperms are found in a semen analysis, repeated unsuccessful IVF cycles, History of recurrent miscarriages or there had been a no-good quality embryo formed in previous cycles.
Resource Box:
You can consult Dr. RK Sharma, one of the best IVF specialists in Delhi NCR.
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