Premature Ovarian Failure A Common Infertility Problem

Menopause is the general suspension of ovarian function when estrogen creation decreases and menstruation terminates. Commonly, menopause happens between 42 and 56 years of age. Yet, nearly one percent of women under the age of 40 reveals early menopause, also termed premature ovarian failure (POF). Female Reproductive System & Causes Of Premature Ovarian Failure The repeated menstrual phase is the result of a complex process that qualifies a woman’s body for pregnancy. The hypothalamus and pituitary glands, found in the brain, help organize the events leading to ovulation. The hypothalamus spurs the pituitary to free follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These hormones are released into the bloodstream and incite the increase and maturation of eggs (oocytes) and the ovaries. They are fastened to the uterus one on each surface, near the fimbriae or finger-like possibilities of the fallopian tubes. About once a month, a develope...