Fighting Infertility With The Most Prevalent Egg Donation Procedure

Thousands of people all over the world are welcoming the essence of egg donation and gradually appreciate the benefits it offers to the intended couples. Donation of eggs becomes now possible in several parts of the world. People have now become aware of benefits of this option they have to let others enjoy parenthood specifically those who are unable to conceive with their own eggs. Egg Donation is one of the best option available for those couples where female partner is unable to get pregnant with her own eggs and their doctor suggest to go with donor's egg. The procedure is widely accepted, but if you are going to donate your eggs, you need to understand that process is now has been challenged by innumerable complications of social and psychological aspects. Women there who believe that it is good to donate eggs to other women so that they can also taste motherhood or have babies.

Process Of Egg Donation

Egg donation is a long and exhausted process where a woman donates her eggs for another woman so that she can conceive or for research process. There are several fertility clinics suggesting this option to help women in conceiving their babies. Process starts with the assessment of the donor's ovarian function via blood test and ultrasound and at the same time, donor's suggested to take birth control pills. Through daily GnRH (Gonadotropin agonists) injection, natural cycle of donor is managed. Routine blood tests and vaginal ultrasound examinations is performed to monitor the progress. The donor's menstrual cycle is kept in is synchronized by the recipient's cycle to bring this stage at end. A woman naturally releases only one egg per month and to release number of mature eggs, donor take injections with hormones that helps in stimulation. The donor will need to go frequent blood tests and ultrasounds during the phase of ovarian stimulation in order to monitor the development of follicles. When follicles are fully developed, hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is given to donor that helps eggs to separate from the wall of follicles for retrieval. At that time, a recipient's takes progesterone injections to prepare her body for embryo transfer.

Process Of In-Vitro Fertilization

The eggs are combined with the sperm either from male partner's or from donor. After three to five days, few selected healthy embryos are transferred in the recipient's uterus via IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). The entire process seems to be very easier and simpler but it is not so. The medications prescribed during the process has their own side effects which may include mood swings, breast tenderness and hot flashes. In addition, the medications used during ovarian stimulation may also cause OHSS (Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome). However, with careful monitoring, there is a very less chance of developing OHSS. It should be kept in mind that every woman is not eligible for donating her eggs. There is little doubt that process gives an immense happiness to help someone in giving a new life into the world but there are specific criteria which you must fulfilled to help other woman in getting pregnant with your egg.


Dr. RK Sharma is the best IVF specialist in Delhi, who has a rich experience in his field. He can be consulted Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. 


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