
Showing posts from January, 2020

Intrauterine Insemination: An Artificial Insemination Method

Your choice of infertility procedure is extremely peculiar and managed by the expert comment, as the fertility expert determines the cause you can’t get pregnant and measures the best possibilities for conceiving a healthy baby. Many women start their therapy with a longstanding preference of intrauterine insemination (IUI). Not all ladies are excellent candidates for IUI, so let’s examine the procedure and when it’s a fertility remedy you should reconsider. What Is Done During Intra Uterine Insemination Procedure (IUI)? IUI is a type of artificial insemination and the method typically starts with medicine that triggers egg maturation and ovulation. Next, your monthly cycle is closely monitored with an aggregate of ultrasound, blood tests, and possibly at-home ovulation collections, so we can embed sperm at the moment you ovulate. When it’s the season for your IUI, you can use a sperm specimen from your co-worker or donor sperm. The sperm has to undergo the proces...

The Close Association Of PCOS And Infertility

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) induces irregular menstruation and small cysts on the ovaries and therefore is one of the primary causes of infertility in women. Approximately 8-10% of women of reproductive age are assessed to have PCOS. PCOS may sometimes be called by other names, including PCO (polycystic ovaries) or PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease). Talking About An Irregular Cycle During a regular menstrual cycle for women without PCOS, a mature follicle develops that ultimately releases an egg. Those follicles are typically anywhere from 18 to 28 millimeters in diameter. Polycystic ovaries contain many small follicles (usually from 2 to 9 millimeters in diameter) with eggs in them. However, these small follicles do not develop and mature properly and never release an egg. The reason behind this failure to produce the mature follicles necessary for ovulation appears to be excessive insulin production. A woman's body will react to high levels of insulin by producing mor...

Blocked Fallopian Tube: A Major Cause Of Female Infertility

Blocked fallopian tubes also appear in the section of one of the main reasons for female infertility. No, there are normally no signs, but there are some risk factors connected with it that can guide to an expansion in the outcomes of this condition. Blocked fallopian tubes are also recognized as Tubal Occlusion medically. These are excellent muscular tubes that are lined and sensitive hair-like structures and operate in both the directions, which stimulates an egg to progress through ovaries to the uterus (womb) and at the same time, improving the sperm journey up from the uterus towards the egg. If we see both the fallopian tubes end in narrow finger-like construction known as fimbriae, which picks and guides an egg after the ovary discharges it. The Role Of Fallopian Tubes & Common Causes Of Female Infertility Fallopian tubes play a remarkably vital role because that is where most of the eggs are implanted. If any part of the tube gets infected either by su...

IVF: A Blessing Of New Generation

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is the new age technology to deal with infertility. It is hope for infertile couples who are unable to achieve their pregnancy on their own. IVF helps the couples if they are facing difficulties in obtaining the child they want. It can be said that In Vitro Fertilization is the last option to beat infertility if a couple is tired of being treated with infertility treatment. When The Need Arises For IVF If you have been trying to conceive for more than one year without any protection, but not successful then you are the candidate for IVF Treatment. However, before choosing this infertility treatment, it is essential to have proper information about it, search the best clinic and the best doctor, which provides the best treatment. It is also necessary to have the right information about the cost of In Vitro Fertilization because sometimes, there are some hidden costs. Process Of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) When fertilization takes place naturally, s...

Get Infertility Remedies With Egg Donation Method

Not all women are born with the capability to mature and release eggs. Some of them are born without eggs while others suffer from some diseases like Turner Syndrome and Gonadal Dysgenesis, which majorly cause the absence of eggs. When none of them are present, women may frequently turn to egg donors to start a family. Egg donation is complex from surrogacy as it involves donors which include individuals who donate eggs to be carried in the uterus of another. Prescreening For Donation Before an egg donor is recommended to donate eggs to the receiver, it must go through a series of medical and mental evaluations. Medical evaluations include a pelvic exam, hormone level blood tests, and ultrasound of ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. A psychologist will have one-in-one communication for the applicant for mental preparedness for the donation process. After all the tests are concluded and the donor has gotten an approved legal contract, then only the money is exchanged for eggs. ...

Ovarian Cyst: A Common Ailment In Women Population

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sores in or on the exterior of a woman’s ovary. These are not unusual but are common during the childbearing ages and are customarily developed during ovulation. In multiple cases, the cysts disappear on their own and are naive but not continuously! In some instances, they demand surgery. A woman in her life can develop either one or multiple cysts in single or both ovaries. These ovarian growths may fluctuate in shapes and sizes. Facts One Should Know About Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Cyst is prevalent in women with normal monthly cycles. Many women form at least one follicle every month but nobody recognizes the presence of cyst unless they suffer or when multiple cysts are formed. Roughly, 8% of the women before menopause may have big cysts in their ovaries that demand treatment that demands to be cured. Specialists should be interviewed whenever you think you have a cyst growing inside you, despite of age. If you face signs like bloati...

Oligospermia A Key Cause Of Infertility In Men

Oligospermia is the condition of low sperm count. In other words, it is also known as oligozoospermia. In the case of Oligozoospermia, there are fewer or only fewer sperm cells in the normal ejaculation. Oligospermia is defined as less than 20 million sperm cells per one ml of ejaculate and it is one of the main reasons for infertility common in men. Sub-fertility is the reduced capability to obtain a normal pregnancy while infertility is interpreted as the complete inability to produce a pregnancy after about one year of unprotected sexual activity. Causes of Oligospermia Usually, infertile men are obsessed about their low sperm count and this becomes the central concern in their lives. Remember that the actual question the man with a fertility problem is worried about his fertile sperms and is the capability of reproducing a baby, or is able to fertilize an egg without undergoing IVF or any other artificial mode of fertilization. This is, of course, way too expensive and for m...