Menopause: A Necessary Pause In Every Woman’s Life

Every woman has experienced the pain of periods or premenstrual syndrome, and may be forgiven for almost wishing that menopause was just around the corner. However, the fact remains that, although menopause is as normal a phase in a woman's life as her first period, the process of transitioning to menopause, and the time before and after menopause hits, can be a very difficult time in a woman's life. The fact on which the scientists are still working to get an effective and fast relief of menopause shows how this is still shrouded in mystery.

How Do You Recognize Menopause?

On contrast to the popular belief, menopause does not automatically hit a woman when she nears 50. It can happen much earlier or it can happen later as well. Menopause marks the end of the cycle of fertility and menstruation for a woman. As such, it happens when periods have been consistently missing for a year or more. Since menopause also marks the end of the production of progesterone and estrogen, women also experience many symptoms directly associated with this. These range from hot flashes to insomnia to mood swings and even decreased sex drive and vaginal dryness.

What Age Does Menopause Occur?

Menopause can happen to a woman at any age after 50. It can at times, happen earlier in cases of premature menopause, around the age of 40. But there are certain conditions such as different illnesses, surgeries, medications, or even ovarian failure of some sort, which can bring menopause prematurely. When brought due to surgery (as in the case of the removal of the uterus, or hysterectomy, due to medical reasons) then it is called surgical menopause. No matter what caused the menopause, whether it was due to natural causes or surgical causes or medication, a woman can expect to experience symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and mood swings.

What Women Need During Menopause

Due to much severity and intensity of the symptoms, there is no wonder that almost all women look for a safe menopause relief that will not have any side effects and which they can take long-term. Black Cohosh has been traditionally used for fast relief of menopause and is even prescribed and approved by many in the medical community.

New Ways Of Treating Menopause

Today, there are methods that promise effectiveness that is 6x faster than black cohosh. These methods have been under research and development for many years and also been used on trials by many women which have all yielded positive results. The advantages of taking a medicine that is 6x faster than black cohosh is that you don't have to trudge through menopause with the heavy load of symptoms affecting you day and night. One will be able to sleep better at night because of which you will be able to wake up in the mornings fully alert and fresh and ready for the day. As a result, you don't suffer through hot flashes anymore either, which by itself is a blessing as you can go about your day not having to worry about when you will get your next attack of hot flashes!


During Your menopausal stage, Dr. RK Sharma is the best infertility doctor in Delhi you can trust in.  With an experience of more than 33 years his area of expertise is Infertility Endoscopy, Obstetrics & Gynecology.

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